Welcome to dict.sorted

This is dict.sorted, which provides subclasses to Python’s built-in dictionary which order its keys.

It provides two such subclasses: one for arbitrary sorting based on a method you provide, and one for sorting in alphabetical order.

Python Support

dict.sorted is compatible with Python 2.6, Python 2.7, and Python 3.3 or later.

It makes use of six to provide compatibility with Python 2 and Python 3, and therefore requires six as a dependency.


All output shown in the examples below is generated on Python 3.3. Python 2 output will look slightly different (in particular, the unicode keys will have the leading u character).

Getting Help

If you think you’ve found a bug in dict.sorted itself, please post an issue on the Issue Tracker.

For usage help, you’re free to e-mail the author, who will provide help (on a best effort basis) if possible.


AlphaSortedDict is a dictionary subclass that generally behaves exactly like a dictionary, but will always render and iterate over its keys in alphabetical order, rather than arbitrary order of the built-in dict type.

The AlphaSortedDict constructor accepts a dictionary, any iterable that can coerce to a dictionary (e.g. a tuple of two-tuples), or keyword arguments:

>>> from sdict import AlphaSortedDict
>>> d = AlphaSortedDict({ 'x': 1 })
>>> d['a'] = 2
>>> d
{'a': 2, 'x': 1}

The AlphaSortedDict class is also aliased to adict on the same module, for shorter invocation. This example is identical to the one above:

>>> from sdict import adict
>>> d = adict({ 'x': 1 })
>>> d['a'] = 2
>>> d
{'a': 2, 'x': 1}

Keyword arguments are also acceptable:

>>> from sdict import adict
>>> d = adict(x=1, a=2)
>>> d
{'a': 2, 'x': 1}


Because AlphaSortedDict sorts its keys in alphabetical order, it will coerce all keys to text (str in Python 3, unicode in Python 2) upon insertion into the dictionary.


SortedDict is a dictionary subclass that behaves like a dictionary, except that keys are sorted based on a function you provide.

The SortedDict constructor requires, as its first positional argument, a function, which accepts one argument and returns back a value used for ordering (any value that properly answers to comparison operators is fine).

Here is an example of a dictionary that will yield keys in reverse-alphabetical order:

>>> from sdict import SortedDict
>>> import six
>>> cmp_func = lambda x: [-ord(i) for i in six.text_type(x)]
>>> d = SortedDict(cmp_func, { 'a': 5, 'b': 10 })
>>> d
{'b': 10, 'a': 5}

The SortedDict class is aliased to sdict on the same module, for shorter invocation.

Note that you are responsible for having a comparison function robust enough to accept and know what to do with any key value that you send.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, clone the package from GitHub and invoke python test.py. To run the tests against every supported Python version, assuming you have the appropriate Python binaries on your machine, first install and then run tox.


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